by William Shakespeare
Young Macbeth is predicted to become the new king of Scotland. Initially willing to let things take their course, he, goaded by his wife, decides to take by force what has been prophesied for him. In doing so, he sets in motion a spiral of intrigue, murder and tyranny, to which everything falls victim at breakneck speed: peace, friendship, love, reason and, in the end, his own life. Shakespeare's late tragedy tells of the dangers of false pride and blind ambition, manipulation, and the corrupting influence of power.
Together with an ensemble of teenage, adolescent, and young adult prisoners, the production asks questions about the fatefulness of human action and one's own responsibility. Are Macbeth's rise and fall preordained or a consequence of his unscrupulous actions? External influences affect man, but he bears the consequence of his actions himself. Biography inevitably loads guilt upon itself. We are alone with our conscience. From this the tyrant takes refuge - in denial, loneliness and finally in delusion.
MACBETH shakes us because it exposes the human abyss. We find darkness not in a higher fateful power but in man himself, in the ruling structures in which he moves, in the ever-repeating history.
Sometimes you reach out for the whole world.
Performed by the aufBruch prisoner ensemble in the JSA Berlin:
Batek, Brian, Dominik, Hamudi, Heidar, Kerim K., Jaden, Maxim R., Mert, Özcan, Philipp B.
Director Sven Daniel Bühler Rap development and coaching Aisha Madarati Dramaturgy Franziska Kuhn Stage Design Holger Syrbe Costume Design Isabella Caiati Musical Coach Vsevolod Silkin Produktionmanagement Sibylle Arndt Educational assistance Berenice Fisk, Isabella Caiati Graphical Design Dirk Trageser
Funded by a grant from the Senate Department for Justice, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination
Supported by the JSA Berlin, JVA Tegel, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Photos: Copyright Thomas Aurin.
Photos may only be used with prior permission from aufBruch / Thomas Aurin

Performance venue:
JSA Berlin
Friedrich-Olbricht-Damm 40
13627 Berlin
S-Bahn Beusselstraße
Bus 123 Friedrich-Olbricht-Damm/Heckerdamm